I recommend Dan Haerle's Book for learning jazz chords and harmony: Jazz piano voicing skills: A method for individual or class study
If you're learning your chords and need to work on triads try this exercise: Root Position Triad Chord Circle of Fifth Exercise for Piano or Any Instrument
General and Jazz Piano Practice Ideas:
- Practice hands separately
- Practice at painfully slow turtle speed along with a metronome
- Record yourself
- Listen to a recording of yourself
- Sight read easy easy stuff
- Practice Hanon
- Work on my chord exercise above
- Learn tunes out of a fakebook
- Get a pair of drumsticks, practice pad, Joel Rothman's Basic Drumming, Revised and Expanded Edition
or any snare drum method book.
- Play music with other people
- check out https://www.ultimate-guitar.com/explore, for chords and lyrics to just about every song.
- https://imslp.org/ classical sheet music
- take lessons
- learn all twelve major and minor scales with correct fingering